If you’re looking for album reviews from a trusted brand in music, pitchfork has a little reviews explorer worth checking out. It arranges the albums by rating or date in the reviews over time.
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What’s really new in the news?
Marcelo Rinesi recently released a dashboard tool dubbed “What’s New in News“: it discovers articles that are less read and potentially more “surprising”. Marcelo lets it collect data from articles with past popularity and weeds out news everyone is reading already anyway.
Dizzy Magazine
Kids art is raw, free from concern, free from thinking what art should be, where scribbles are meditative. I’ve been more aware of it’s wonders since my own kids enjoy loosing themselves. Dizzy is an indie mag that curates those wonders.
SPO, westside is the best side
Insights into the Kitesurf World Cup in St. Peter Ording, one of the widest and largest beaches in the world.
Released into the WWW this past Sunday, by 18 year old student An from Germany, Heyspace is a copy of Myspace, without all the data hungriness, ad stickiness or toxic algorithms that keep us in thought silos and turn us into digital by products.