Mighty Kiwi style

Mechanical Designer Tim Meldrum explains Aotearoa leg power tech

I’m always inspired by Kiwi style innovation, humble yet mighty effective and ingenious with their resources, a country that hosts nearly all type of climates and typographies on both islands of Aotearoa.

As one of greatest sailing nations on planet earth, Team New Zealand, headed by the highly talented helmsman Peter Burling, schooled Team USA to take the America’s Cup in the final scoring line 7-1, time to bring the Cup home Peter:

“To be able to win eight races in Beautiful Bermuda in front of a big crowd of our own fans is overwhelming, we’re just happy to be able to share this moment with them, we’re just blown away. I’ve grown up watching this competition as a fan and to be a Kiwi and taking this Cup home is a dream come true.”

It’s beautiful to see how the Kiwi’s took on mouthy Aussie helmsman, Jimmy Spithill, who steered Team USA’s ship with more talk than walk.

Never underestimate the land of the long white cloud and their independent fighting spirit. Sooner or later, I hope we’ll see their silver fern flag waiving on Team New Zealand’s boat, as well as the British Queen’s final departure as “head of state” on Aotearoa that could help replace the Treaty of Waitangi with a new humble, resourceful and innovative one – mighty Kiwi style.

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