Quartz, a new digital business news portal with a mobile focus, is going back to the roots with a global view. No pay walls. No hub mongering. No eyeball ego. Yes to Wordpress. Yes to same window links. Yes to focused topics and HTML5.

Quartz, a new digital business news portal with a mobile focus, is going back to the roots with a global view. No pay walls. No hub mongering. No eyeball ego. Yes to Wordpress. Yes to same window links. Yes to focused topics and HTML5.
‘True Skin’ is a remix of Blade Runner’s visual-neon-alley language yet with a fresh cyberpunkish feel. Since humans are mostly augmented beings in the near future, being made from flesh and blood will be a clear disadvantage.
I’m still amazed at how rich the local music scene is, especially if you look at the relative size of the Green Mountain state’s largest city. Vetica, a young band that can brag about live shows in Brooklyn and Tokyo, recently self-released the album Signal Path, the track “Can’t Feel It” is my pick.
Animated GIFs: “The Birth of a Medium” via PBS Off Book web series. Flickering pics can get annoying after a few seconds, yet Kevin points to the hybrid medium’s ability to capture moments forever and show people something they’ve never seen before: inspiration.
Paywalls were an attempt to preserve the old mass+mass model after a transition to digital distribution. With so few readers willing to pay, and therefore so few readers to advertise to, paywalls instead turned newspapers into a niche+niche business.