Quartz: Back to the Open Web

Quartz: Back to the Open Web

Quartz, a new digital business news portal with a mobile focus, is going back to the roots with a global view. No pay walls. No hub mongering. No eyeball ego. Yes to Wordpress. Yes to same window links. Yes to focused topics and HTML5.

Trun Skin Trailer

‘True Skin’ is a remix of Blade Runner’s visual-neon-alley language yet with a fresh cyberpunkish feel. Since humans are mostly augmented beings in the near future, being made from flesh and blood will be a clear disadvantage.

Post Rock, Vermont Style

Post Rock, Vermont Style

I’m still amazed at how rich the local music scene is, especially if you look at the relative size of the Green Mountain state’s largest city. Vetica, a young band that can brag about live shows in Brooklyn and Tokyo, recently self-released the album Signal Path, the track “Can’t Feel It” is my pick.

Birth of Medium: Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs: “The Birth of a Medium” via PBS Off Book web series. Flickering pics can get annoying after a few seconds, yet Kevin points to the hybrid medium’s ability to capture moments forever and show people something they’ve never seen before: inspiration.