Many people seem to have lost confidence in digital technologies and online services. In which ways does this relate to the potential of digital networks as means of emancipation and counter-information, or the ability of virtual realities to create a space for friendship and cohesion?
Kenyan pioneers hit the ice
Creating branded content that’s detached from the product yet engages the viewer emotionally is a tricky endeavor. Tim Hortons, a Canadian fast food joint, didn’t recommend hashbrowns nor did it praise it’s original blend coffee.
Too many apps on the dancefloor
If you’re accustomed to be being controlled, carpooled and connected by your parents or other fear ridden adults, I’m not surprised that uConsent, an app for saying ok to sex was developed in Las Vegas.
Waterlust in Lychen
Lychen is a water-rich town in Brandenburg. It attracts new residents who build a paradise near the water. Since 2008, Lychen added a new title as a rafting town.
Eisbären can still be Kings
Record champion Eisbären Berlin, who are down 2-1 in the finals against Munich’s caffeine water branded team, need a win to keep the series balanced. I can’t help to see David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest corporate analogy when I see the Munich jersey.