German miracle on ice, to be continued
After beating Canada to advance to the final, Germany played for gold. Thanks to head coach, Marco Sturm, who has a major stake in decision making from the bottom up, he’s planted the strongest seeds we’ve ever seen grow.

Feel the Bern
Democratic Socialism is now on the political map of America. Who do you believe will truly fight for the common good? Whose biography lives up to it’s words with action? Who can best connect the dots between the common, business and individual good?

Nouvelle Collection
I went to in Tunisia after the Arab Spring. The streets of Tunis are unfinished. Children cross the highway. If you don’t have a lane, make a lane, is common ground. Tunisia is quietly holding their second democratic election in October.
Blogs and Digital Culture
Weblogs link content to cultures, thoughts, concepts, immediate reality and digitally inter-connected spheres. They allow glimpses into ambigious time and space coordinates.

Go with the Flow
Why ice hockey has been the greatest teacher in my life. I learned how to appreciate camaraderie, what it means to be part of a team. I learned how to accept defeat, acknowledge a stronger performance from the competition, only to learn and grow from defeat.