I’m still dissappointed that Zack de la Rocha isn’t part of this much needed crossover formation between Rage Against The Machine, Cypress Hill and Public Enemy.
Without de la Rocha leading the charge, though, it’s harder to humor the fantasy of this lineup on the frontlines. Their physically demanding music needs a singer with stamina and titanic lung capacity—the kind of dynamo frontman you picture spending most of their concerts midair.
With help from their self-titled album “Prophets of Rage”, which was released on September 14th, 2017, they can be at the forefront of a new counter cultural movement in America.
Since other media outlets have lost their counter culture mojo, such as Rolling Stone, or simply blow in the same trumpet, we could profit from new interfaces that actually make a difference on the political, social and cultural switchboards. I’m a bit tired of seeing yet another artist with boring outfit makeovers coupled with synthetic feel good thumps.
Back in 1997, Zack spoke out in Japan about the mission of RATM, injustice and American slavery, it’s when MTV mattered
via Pitchfork