2012 is Shifty

If there’s one trick I fly with, it’s the shifty on my snowboard. Once airborne, my board shifts 90 degrees and flies as long as gravity gives me wings. A few moments before touchdown, I turn it forward, land it and cruise.

2012 is going to be shifty for me. I’m looking forward to a new living space I call home. My knee injury from last year is healed, it’s time to finish the hockey season strong. I’ve been involved with blogs, scientifically and professionally, for ten years now. And I’m happy about my continual engagement in the blogosphere, in the virtual and event space, with innovative clients. I think this year has potential for being the best year in the books.

2012 is going to be shifty because we’ll see change have a real impact. We’ll see more entrepreneurs set up shop with a social conscience. I think we’ll see more consumers who demand products with a sustainable mission. I hope the idea of a Robin Hood tax will win over more minds and eventually find its way into lawmaking. I hope the occupy movement finds new energy to create awareness and that it finds solid solutions that address the shortcomings and injustice of our financial system.

2012 is going to be shifty for Europe because it needs a new story and less bureaucrats trying to consolidate their power. It needs a story that resonates across cultures and envisions a positive, citizen powered future. I’m not sure whether the Euro will survive as a currency and what implications its downfall could bring – it does carry an element of unity. At least we need to see more financial responsibility among all member states.

Alas, there are several predictions that 2012 is the end as we know it. The Mayan who calculated that cosmic calender never finished his calculations because he died, so he ended up with 2012. That said, I think we can enjoy the flight and do the shifty.

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