As always, Bob Hoffmann knows how to break it down, this time how Facebook has flipflopped their sales pitches to gullible marketeers.
Speaking German in Philly
I remember knocking on the silver door at Bar Tausend under the bridge a few years back feeling slightly discombobulated. As the door opened, the bouncerette asked me whether I was on the guest list, in English.
Obama’s response to Charlottesville
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion” – Barack Obama
Hack yourself before your wreck yourself
One of the Facebook’s and Google’s early investors, Roger McNamee, regrets that he helped create monsters who want to sell you ever more ads by creating addictive behavior with a substance they harvested from hacking your brain.
Mighty Kiwi style
I’m always inspired by Kiwi style innovation, humble yet mighty effective and ingenious with their resources, a country that hosts nearly all type of climates and typographies on both islands of Aotearoa.