
Q-Tip is back on track, this time he’s on with the Chemical Brothers new release „Go“, the second track on their upcoming album Born in the Echoes via se germanically inspired name Astralwerks.

World Cup of Hockey?

World Cup of Hockey?

For the third installation of the „World Cup of Hockey“ in 2016, the Europe All-Stars will exclude Czech Republic, Finland, Russia and Sweden, but include countries such as Slovakia, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, Denmark, Norway, Latvia, Belarus, Estonia, Slovenia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania (among others).

Larger look at life

I learned to play hockey in Highland Park, Illinois as a five-year old kid. It took a while until I was able to skate, handle the puck and get dressed all by myself. It was not until 1988, the Minnesota North Stars drafted the number one pick Mike Modano, when I first discovered an idol on the ice.