
If SpaceHey and the users manage do it right, this site can give back a sense of social networking that we have lost. Make the 2020s the decade when we embrace slow social again.

via Zsolt

Released into the WWW this past Sunday, by 18 year old student An from Germany, SpaceHey is basically a copy of Myspace, without all the data hungriness, ad stickiness or toxic algorithms that keep us in thought silos and turn us into digital by products.

There seems to be an acute need to create digital spaces that are less intrusive, simpler, slower and without notifications coupled with screen time overdoses.

The great people of the web want control back, even if it means to use a copy of a site that once was the social site, where they can create and customize their own profile pages with basic html and css. SpaceHey fills a retro void, albeit other sites, such as, mastadon or, are among a few out there already, carving out the new social as paid communities.

More power to An, who is backed by Tibush from bustling Swabia, and his project, which is destined to enrich our social space, even if it means that users pay a subscription fee or donate to sustain it’s growth.

On Sunday I took SpaceHey online. I posted it on ProductHunt and on HackerNews. Shortly after that, SpaceHey started to see a ton of visitors and new users! I would have never thought that such a huge amount of people would see my project! SpaceHey is currently at 2400 users as I write this. That’s incredible!!

via An

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