Sure, throw away your ad money

„Ad fraud is estimated to be between 2% and 90%. In other words, no one has a fucking clue. Most knowledgeable people (including the WFA) believe it may easily be 30%. No matter what your „cyber-security team“ tells you, nobody knows how much fraud there is in online advertising. But everyone agrees it’s massive.“

Adblock arms race

„The fundamental problem with advertising as a business model though, is that customers don’t like it unless it is very unobtrusive, and the industry is largely incapable of self control in that respect.”

Quartz: Back to the Open Web

Quartz: Back to the Open Web

Quartz, a new digital business news portal with a mobile focus, is going back to the roots with a global view. No pay walls. No hub mongering. No eyeball ego. Yes to Wordpress. Yes to same window links. Yes to focused topics and HTML5.