„Ad fraud is estimated to be between 2% and 90%. In other words, no one has a fucking clue. Most knowledgeable people (including the WFA) believe it may easily be 30%. No matter what your „cyber-security team“ tells you, nobody knows how much fraud there is in online advertising. But everyone agrees it’s massive.“
All posts in Media
Hating Breitbart – Full Movie
A slick documentary about the history of Breitbart and it’s founder, who died in 2012 of a heart attack, directed by Andrew Marcus.
Adblock arms race
„The fundamental problem with advertising as a business model though, is that customers don’t like it unless it is very unobtrusive, and the industry is largely incapable of self control in that respect.”

Exporting Soft Culture
Germans are great at exporting heavy machinery, yet lackluster at exporting soft culture in form of professional, news media publications in English.

Quartz: Back to the Open Web
Quartz, a new digital business news portal with a mobile focus, is going back to the roots with a global view. No pay walls. No hub mongering. No eyeball ego. Yes to Wordpress. Yes to same window links. Yes to focused topics and HTML5.