Adblock arms race

“The fundamental problem with advertising as a business model though, is that customers don’t like it unless it is very unobtrusive, and the industry is largely incapable of self control in that respect (did you know that most people install ad blockers due to worry about use of their data to “personalise” them). It is a “tragedy of the commons” problem in that it is always to the advantage of the “ad-overgrazer”, so cheaters prosper – so it’s always just easier to assume the endgame, i.e. they are all acting in bad faith – and block the lot.”

The world of pop-up ads is coming to an end, thanks to ad blocker tools, conscious customers and less intrusive ads. Albeit, subtle ads are not necessarily the more likeable way to communicate commercialism, especially when your friends promote products in their digital channels and you’re not quite sure if it’s an ad or not.

We could do with media education as a required course in schools these days, or we’ll see the beloved ad-overgrazers pop-up in the minds of our future generations without even noticing it.

via broadstuff

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