„Ad fraud is estimated to be between 2% and 90%. In other words, no one has a fucking clue. Most knowledgeable people (including the WFA) believe it may easily be 30%. No matter what your „cyber-security team“ tells you, nobody knows how much fraud there is in online advertising. But everyone agrees it’s massive.“
Room for nouvellistes à la bouche
I’ve been wondering how we can rediscover those green spaces in the city, where well-informed individuals actually do know, weigh in and listen, as opposed to those who unknowingly redistribute fake news, focus on inconsequential fluff or are better at crying for attention.
Conan visits refugees at Tempelhof
Late nighter Conan pays a visit to Berlin and talks to refugees who are living at the former Tempelhof airport.
Hating Breitbart – Full Movie
A slick documentary about the history of Breitbart and it’s founder, who died in 2012 of a heart attack, directed by Andrew Marcus.
Hate is laziness to reflect upon human history, A friend of arrogance, the cousin of insecurity. Empathy is social glue, a compass to interconnectedness. Fear divides from within, collects hate into superficial signifiers.