The spiritual horizon continues

The spiritual horizon continues

I always have a hard time pulling out moments from 2020 that were significant. Whether it was singing people on balconies, clapping for frontline caregivers, or simply taking a dip in the woods. Quarantine videos from Italy offered us a little relief true to the motto “Humor is when you laugh anyway.”

The autonomous Web of the 20s

The autonomous Web of the 20s

Those anarchic days of everyone becoming their own media, where everyone can communicate with everyone between each others autonomous digital spaces, are strong in spirit and never went away. We only got lost in silos the last 15 years and traded our privacy and connected ownership for centless convenience and surveillance.

Galaxy Gerd

It’s an honor to finally have a light saber alternative made of wood named after me. It’s available for all enlightened masters who want to combine their individual sword grips. And yes, it’s tons of fun and promotes spiritual creativity.

In the Nowness of Pow

In the Nowness of Pow

Have you ever wished for a snow storm in the winter months? If you have, the odds are high that you can get up early in the morning for fresh powder, in search of rhythm and lines that play with gravity. It’s that original snowboarder attitude, screw etiquette, to be a snow punk that challenges lazy consumerist escapes in the nowness of pow.