When the babble of the masses turn a kid, who took a selfie with Justin Timberlake, into a meme of checking your phone in the moment, technology becomes air in the mind.
U.S. loses Internet mojo
The big three can now throttle it’s speed and censor unwanted content in their pipelines. And in the irony of names, thanks to a Republican majority of 3-2 votes, the act dubbed itself „Restore Internet Freedom“
Planes, trains, automobiles and Hotel Orania
Trying to capitalize on the Kotti vibe for tourists, with hotel prices of up to 700 Euros per night, the owner of the newly opened Hotel Orania, thinks that not everyone can pay the price for a train ticket to Germany’s capital.
Developers, developers, developers!
Europe’s tech ecosystem, which as a pipeline of 5.5 million developers, as opposed to 4.4 million in the USA. Those numbers might add an extra inch in the long haul.
Vermont strong
Vermont and the city of Burlington received a letter from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions with a threat of potentially drying up federal funding if they continue to violate federal law, albeit it’s unclear if they even are.